Author Guidelines


The manuscript must be writing native on the results of a research, research note, analysis policy, and reviews (in the form of review) in the Indonesian language which has never been published in scientific journal international and national. Script the format not in accordance with the directive writing and did not attend rules the Indonesian language would be denied and editor have no obligations to restore manuscript concerned.

Manuscript submission

The author is asked to send one copies original manuscript and a document (soft file) from the original manuscript to be prepared with the program Microsoft word. Manuscripts and soft file send to:

Writing Format

Manuscript typewritten one spaces on paper hvs size a4 with margin 2 cm and letter are the type arial measuring 11 points.

Manuscript arranged with the order as follows:

  1. Title. Written in the language of Indonesia and English, the title articles have to specific and effective (This Title Is Written Using Cambria Font With Size 12).
  2. Authors. Contains the full name of each author (without academic degree), institution/affiliation, including correspondence and electronic mail (email) (Font Arial Size 11)
  3. Abstract. The abstract consists of a summary of the research flow starting from the background, objectives, methods, research results and research conclusions, which are written concisely and clearly (no more than 200 words. Abstract is written using Arial font size 11 space 1)
  4. Keywords. Maximum of 5 words and in alphabetical order (italic, arial 11)
  5. Introduction. The introduction explains the background, research objectives, shows related studies (over view) then explains the differences with previous research (novelty).( Font Arial size 11 spasi 1)
  6. Methods. The method explains the stages or research procedures and algorithms used in the research [4]. The method chapter also requires a theoretical explanation of the proposed method. (The research method is written using Arial font size 11 space 1)
  7. Result and Discussion. The results show the final results in research can be in the form of prototypes, analysis, comparisons or others. While the discussion explains the results that have been obtained. The results and discussion are in one separate chapter. (Font type using Arial font size 11 space 1)
  8. Conclusion. The conclusion explains the summary of the research results which explains the results obtained using the proposed method (Font type using Arial font size 11 space 1)
  9. Acknowledgment (optional). 
  10.  REFERENCES.  The references used are accredited national or international scientific journals, official books and websites, bibliography references with a composition of 80% primary references. References are not recommended to take from blogs or Wikipedia. The references from the website are official websites, such as explaining the specifications of tools/technology or Badan Pusat Statistik data used in research. (Arial font size 11 space 1) ,The standard format for writing references from journals is in the APA 7 style and it is recommended to use MENDELEY or ZOTERO in arranging bibliography.
  11. the complete way of writing tables, formulas and figures is in the template provided.

       Journal Template