Pembuatan Briket dari Limbah Bongkol Jagung di Desa Bondawuna Kecamatan Suwawa Kabupaten Bone Bolango
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Desa Bondawuna Kecamatan Suwawa Kabupaten Bone Bolango merupakan salah satu daerah yang penduduknya merupakan daerah penanaman jagung lokal petani khususnya kelompok pengolah, karena jagung mudah dikembangkan dan jagung merupakan produk penting dengan potensi yang luar biasa. Metode yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut adalah dengan pelatihan dan praktek dimana tongkol jagung diubah menjadi bahan bakar dengan cara dicampur dengan lem. Hal ini membuat bahan bakar tersebut cocok untuk digunakan dalam memasak, seperti menggunakan kompor atau oven sebagai pengganti kayu, minyak atau gas. Operasi ini berharap dapat menghasilkan bahan bakar arang dari limbah tongkol jagung sebagai alternatif pengganti kayu, minyak dan gas. Solusi yang diusulkan adalah mengajarkan/membimbing cara membuat briket arang dari bahan dasar tongkol jagung, kanji, saringan dan cetakan untuk membuat bahan bakar. Mitra kami dalam usaha ini adalah petani jagung di Desa Bondawuna Kecamatan Suwawa Kabupaten Bone Bolango. Melalui KKNT ini dapat membuat masyarakat di Desa Bondawuna mampu berinovasi dalam hal berwirausaha berbasis teknologi dengan mengelolah potensi yang ada di Desa tersebut seperti jagung yang tadinya bongkol jagung hanya di jadikan limbah sekarang menjadi sebuah produk briket yang mempunyai nilai ekonomi sehingga dapat menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan bagi diri sendiri, keluarga, masyarakat, dan lingkungan sekitar
Bondawuna Village, Suwawa Subdistrict, Bone Bolango Regency is one of the areas where the population is a corn casing area for local farmers, especially processing groups, because corn is easy to develop and corn is an important product with extraordinary potential. The method used to achieve this goal is training and practice where corn cobs are converted into fuel by mixing it with glue. This makes the fuel suitable for use in cooking, such as using a stove or oven as a substitute for wood, oil or gas. This operation hopes to produce charcoal fuel from corncob waste as an alternative to wood, oil and gas. The proposed solution is to prohibit/guide how to make charcoal briquettes from the basic ingredients of corn cobs, starch, filtered and molds to make fuel. Our partners in this business are corn farmers in Bondawuna Village, Suwawa District, Bone Bolango Regency. Through this KKNT, the people in Bondawuna Village are able to innovate in terms of technology-based entrepreneurship by managing the potential that exists in the village, such as corn, which was previously only used as waste corn cob, now it is a briquette product that has economic value so that it can create jobs for themselves. themselves, their families, communities and the environment
Bondawuna Village, Suwawa Subdistrict, Bone Bolango Regency is one of the areas where the population is a corn casing area for local farmers, especially processing groups, because corn is easy to develop and corn is an important product with extraordinary potential. The method used to achieve this goal is training and practice where corn cobs are converted into fuel by mixing it with glue. This makes the fuel suitable for use in cooking, such as using a stove or oven as a substitute for wood, oil or gas. This operation hopes to produce charcoal fuel from corncob waste as an alternative to wood, oil and gas. The proposed solution is to prohibit/guide how to make charcoal briquettes from the basic ingredients of corn cobs, starch, filtered and molds to make fuel. Our partners in this business are corn farmers in Bondawuna Village, Suwawa District, Bone Bolango Regency. Through this KKNT, the people in Bondawuna Village are able to innovate in terms of technology-based entrepreneurship by managing the potential that exists in the village, such as corn, which was previously only used as waste corn cob, now it is a briquette product that has economic value so that it can create jobs for themselves. themselves, their families, communities and the environment
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How to Cite
Salihi , I. ., Zohrahayaty, Z., Santoso, B., Dunggio, S., Sakir, M. ., & Solikahan, E. Z. (2023). Pembuatan Briket dari Limbah Bongkol Jagung di Desa Bondawuna Kecamatan Suwawa Kabupaten Bone Bolango. Empiris Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat, 1(2), 32–39.