Peran Dinas Pariwisata Kota Gorontalo Dalam pengembangan Pariwisata Dimasa Pandemi Covid-19
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This study aims to determine and analyze the role of the Gorontalo City Tourism Office Government regarding tourism development during the COVID-19 pandemic. The method used is a descriptive research method that uses a qualitative approach. The results of the research are the role of the Gorontalo Tourism Office in tourism development during the covid-19 pandemic with the availability of entrepreneurs (Operators) Coordinators, facilitators and stimulants, there are still shortcomings that have not been carried out by the coordinators and facilitators properly. Analysis of the steps taken by the Gorontalo City Tourism Office, it can be explained that they also play an active role in supporting tourism development. The Gorontalo City Tourism Office has participated in maximizing the existing tourism potential by forming a special institution that focuses on the tourism sector, managing potential resources to be developed into tourist attractions, distributing benefits in the form of revenue sharing from the tourism sector, facilitating tourism development and improving local community skills by skills training.
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